Research & Consultancy
RSIGST, formerly IIGST Research and Consultancy Cell is a single channel window to diverse externally funded research and industrial consultancy project at the Institute. In consonance with the ‘Make in India’ thrust of the Government as well as to support upcoming researchers the Cell has geared up to play a greater role to act as the hinge point for multi and interdisciplinary mega research work. A tradition of uncompromising quality-concern has put the Institute in good treads and, over the last few years, a good number of government and non-government funding agencies have come forward to sponsor research activity which bears testimony to the quality of research programs carried out at the Institute.
Presently the Institute is putting a purposeful thrust on collaborative research both at national and international level. Casting a glance at its academic departments, the Institute can boast of commendable performance of its faculty members and research scholars, particularly their quality research output which is reflected by a significant number of publications in Hi-Indexed, peer-reviewed national and international journals.
Institute shares its research accomplishments with other institutes, research organizations and industry. Institute is also encouraging patent filling, more stress on establishment of academic and research collaboration with International and National institutes/R&D organization, emphasising on innovative product development and corporate interaction. Over the last few years, in tune with the Institute policy of strengthening national and international collaboration, the Institute has signed quite a number of MoUs with various academic/ research/ government organisations and Industry houses like National Mission for Clean Ganga, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt of India, National Institute of Urban Affairs, Govt of India, SBL Corp. Ltd. SAARC Cultural Centre, Sri Lanka etc.
Research Domains

RSIGST Projects
RSIGST has conducted and is involved in several minor and major projects funded by both government and non-government organizations. Some of its glimpses are below….
- ‘Preparation of Urban River Management Plan through Cluster Approach for Hugli-Chinsurah Cluster in West Bengal’ a project funded by the NMCG, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt of India and conducted jointly by NIUA, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt of India and SAIARD.
- ‘Learning from COVID -19 – Urban Governance Perspective’ for Assam state funded by RCUES, AIILSG, MoHUA, Govt of India
- Topographic mapping for 100 sheets at scale 1:50k for parts of North-East, Central and Ngamiland Districts for the Dept of Survey & Mapping of Botswana,South Africa funded by SPA GEO Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on 29/03/2020 – 30/06/2020
- Hydro-geological ground water study & hydro-graphic survey work for water availability at Dankuni Coal Complex, West Bengal funded by Coal India Ltd., Projects and Development India Ltd., & SPA GEO Technologies Pvt. Ltd. on 31/03/2020 – 20/07/2020
- “GIS based property tax register” Urban Administration and Development Department, Hovt. of M.P., Bhopal, India funded by Urban Administration and Development Department, Hovt. of M.P., Bhopal, India and SPA GEO Technologies Pvt. Ltd on 19/04/2020 – 02/07/2020
- Modeling future land use/land cover and seasonal land surface temperature changes based on CA-ANN algorithm to assess its impacts on Chennai Metropolitan Area (CMA), India
Detection of spatio-temporal changes of land use and land cover using remote sensing and gis technique and its impact on socio economic sector: a case study of Blagarh Block, Hooghly district in West Bengal
Flood susceptibility mapping using geospatial techniques- A case study of Hyderabad, Telengana District, India
‘Preparation of Urban River Management Plan through Cluster Approach for Hugli-Chinsurah Cluster in West Bengal’ a project funded by the NMCG, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Govt of India and conducted jointly by NIUA, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Govt of India and SAIARD.
- ‘Learning from COVID -19 – Urban Governance Perspective’ for Assam state funded by RCUES, AIILSG, MoHUA, Govt of India
- Analysing Education facilities in Howrah District, West Bengal, India
- Site suitability evaluation for agricultural land of Sikkim using MCDM-AHP approach and geospatial techniques
- Analysing Health Care facilities in North 24 Paraganas District, West Bengal, India
- Flood Risk Modeling of Kerala using multi-source geospatial data and Analytical Hierarchy Process
- Creation of green corridors in Ranchi city with the help of GIS technology
- Spatio-temporal analysis of glacial lakes of Western Himalayas in Chamoli and Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand using Remote Sensing and GIS
- Role of Geospatial Technology for Hydroponics Horticulture Based Roof Top Farming in Cities as Emerging Future Prospective
- Urban flood as natural hazard and it’s management in Kolkata municipal corporation
- The morphometric analysis of Sagileru river basin, Andhra Pradesh, by using geospatial technology
- Site suitability evaluation for agricultural land of Sikkim using MCDM-AHP approach and geospatial techniques
- Analysing Education facilities in Howrah District, West Bengal, India
- Analysing Health Care facilities in North 24 Paraganas District, West Bengal, India
- Forest-Fire area detection and mapping using Microwave Remote Sensing and thermal anomalies in Aizawl, Mizoram, India
- Development of Urban Heat Island around Surat Smart City
- A study on the shoreline changes of the Eastern Coast of India
- Sedimentation Risk Assessment and Prediction for Upper Cauvery River Basin Using Artificial Neural Network
- Change detection in coastal sand dune caused by cyclone events, east coast, southern India
- Bank Erosion and its impact on LULC changes in the lower basin of Kankai Mai River using Geospatial Technologies
- Investigation of Health Condition in the Western Bank of India
- Flood Risk Modeling of Kerala
Sample Pilot Projects
Published Policy Reports

Meet our Project Head
Ms. Ayantika Ganguly
Sr. GIS Analyst, RSIGST